Tuesday, November 26, 2013



The new form of currency

bitcoins are a new form of money that is completely digital. It allows people to purchase things online and also illegally because they are untraceable. They are used on black market websites like silk road, where people would purchase illegal narcotics, weapons, and even Hitmen. Even though they are used for illegal things, there are plenty of good uses for them, and there has been speculation that the economy will change to bitcoins eventually. This of course is very controversial because people are worried about the safety of their money, and there is very little knowledge of it throughout the general public.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How did the idea of money change from items to notes?

How money started

Money is anything that is widely accepted for the exchange of goods, services, and resources.

      Throughout history, the idea of money has changed drastically, and in the future will change even more. My big question is, "How has the idea of money changed through history?" Today i'm going to talk about how money started. Before money, people bartered, or traded goods for services or other goods. But, what happens if you dont have anything that the other person wants? This is why people created what is called "commodity money." Salt, rice, tea, tobacco, and cattle are all forms of commodity money. However, commodity money was hard to transport, and after that, people turned to coins. Metal coins were introduced around 5000 B.C. Once these were introduced, more and more countries started using it. Metal was used because it was easy to find and easy to make into coins, and since they had a certain value, it was easier to trade. Some of the first paper money has been dated back to ancient China, around AD 960.

living mindfully better in the digital age

In todays digital age, there are many more opportunities for bad things to happen to you. If people learn your passwords, they can steal your credit cards and all your money, your identity, and much more. People can also hack into places and pretend to be you. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening by creating difficult passwords, and staying as much away from dangerous things online as you can. Tehcnology is great, but it can also effect you negatively. Spending too much time online is not a good thing, it can effect your social skills, and your memory. Going outside and doing things will keep you healthier, and doing things like brainteasers can help keep your memorization. Also, dont post things online you dont want certain people to see because no matter what, there is always a way to see it. This could also effect getting jobs, or getting into colleges, so it is best to only put positive things about yourself online.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

the big question

My big question is, how has the idea of money changed over time? I chose this topic because i find it very interesting, and i'd like to learn more about it. I want to know why people stopped using valuables to barter, and switched to paper, and why now we are doing a similar thing, moving from paper to almost all digital money. also, im considering a business career and i think it would be a good idea to see the origins of money and how it came to be. I want to know when the first banks started, and who came up with the idea, and when investing started and why it started. As a side topic, i want to talk about wealth and what it means to be wealthy, and how that idea has changed over time. Wealth today is not the same as wealth a long time ago because we value different things than they did.